
Stagecoach 904 / Busway   Changing at Huntingdon

Use Stagecoach service 904 Peterborough to Huntingdon (see the Huntingdon page), journey approx 73 minutes; no Sunday service. Busway service B runs between Huntingdon bus station and Cambridge every 20 minutes, taking approx 1 hour 25 minutes to Drummer Street Bus Station in Cambridge.

The last route B back from Cambridge bus station with a reasonable connection for Peterborough leaves from Drummer Street Bus Station (Bay 12) at 1610 (1625 Sats), arriving Huntingdon at 1735 (1750 Sats); the last 904 bus for Peterborough leaves at 1800 on Mons to Fris, 1815 on Saturdays. An alternative between Cambridge and Huntingdon on Mondays to Fridays is Whippet service X3 which leaves from Drummer Street Bus Station (Bay 3) at 1620, arriving Huntingdon at 1729, running via Cambourne and Papworth Everard. Connections are not guaranteed.

By Rail

Approx hourly by Cross Country Trains, journey time 50 minutes. See Links page for further information.

Page updated 01/09/2024