
These simple Destination timetables are specially produced for this website, listing all bus departures between Peterborough City Centre and major points, even where a location may be served by more than one route or operator. Any changes to timetables are notified on the News page, and major changes are also mentioned on Facebook.

If the Destination timetables don't meet your needs, here you can find the operators' own detailed Route timetables from their websites (plus some I have compiled). Fine if you know the route number you need or if your journey is not to or from Peterborough City Centre. Or maybe you just want to get an overall view of the timetable.
Events 2025

Delaine Bus Museum at Bourne: second Sat of month March to October 1200-1600, heritage rides at 1315 and 1445. Delaine Heritage Running Day: Sat April 26th 2025; Delaine Mini Heritage & Twilight Running Day: Sat October 25th 2025. A Fenland Bus Show is planned for Sunday June 8th. For all events see Classic Buses Events Diary.